Docker Park Farm Visitor Center Lancashire Welcome to you and your friends for a Group Visit

It's more fun in a group!

Docker Park Farm Visitor Center Lancashire Back to the Farm

At Docker Park Farm Visitor Attraction in Lancashire we are still a working farm and this makes it an ideal venue for children to learn about the countryside and life on a farm. Ideal for schools, playgroups and brownies etc.

Included in this stimulated day out is a tour of at least one hour, led by our experienced tour guides. You will: learn about the farming year, feed the animals, stroke lots of animals, enjoy a nature walk around the Wacky Woodland, meet Farmer Ford on the Free tractor ride, recieve a National Curriculum Key stage 1 teaching pack for the farm visit.

Group Prices 2008
Children £4.00
Adults £4.25
1 free adult per 8 children (Schools & Preschools only)
Other groups - members of staff free

For Bookings and Information please Contact:
Ned at Docker Park Farm Visitor Centre in Lancashire
on 015242 21331